I'm Amy

I am an entering mid-level programmer who is interested in game development, UI/UX, and software development. Constantly learning, I tend to gravitate towards anything that involves both creativity and problem solving. I love to experience everything that is under the giant umbrella of engineering and development; I feel comfortable working with several different types of technologies, frameworks, and languages across the board -- and am looking forward to even more!

In terms of my career, I pride myself on being able to service either a customer base or an employee base; it is something I look for in every opportunity presented to me. I enjoy working within a team of any size, large or small, and collaborating to create a product that the end-user can enjoy and even celebrate.

Looking towards the future, I would say that my goals are to learn more, better myself (and my craft), and to genuinely contribute; I want to make a difference and create software and/or games that have a positive impact on those who use them.

Tl;dr: I am a programmer who wants to will help make the world just a little bit better!

"If you have a dream, don't wait. Act."

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